Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tinkyáda Brown Rice Pasta Review

Today I made something I haven't made in a long time.  I am trying to avoid white flour and sugar as well as other refined products, so I picked up some rice pasta I tried once several years ago.  I wanted to make sure it was still as good as I remembered it to be.

I was surprised to see this at the Big Box store since the last time I got it, I purchased it at a health food store.

I decided that instead of using the traditional method of cooking pasta I would go for the "fast and easy" method described on the front of the packaging.  To do this, you boil the pasta in water for two minutes, stirring gently; then, you turn off the stove, cover the pot, and let it sit for about 20 minutes.

I wasn't sure how it would turn out but since it's early enough in the day, I figured if I messed it up I could just make more.  Set the timer, and move on with making dinner for the day -- I make hubby's food for him to take to work and then I either eat the same thing he does or I will have yogurt, soup or cheese and a few crackers.  Today it was burgers made from the side of beef we got from a guy hubby works with.  I made them on the Foreman grill.  I love that little critter.  It makes burgers so much less greasy and cleanup is a lot easier, too.

When the timer went off, I checked the pasta and it looked okay to me.  I put it in the colander to drain and rinse.

It actually came out really well!  Now I prefer my pasta with a bit of an edge to it.  Many people prefer it fully cooked, but I want mine to almost taste undone.  I generally cook it until it has a teeny bit of hardness to it, just before what others consider al dente; for me, the next time I cook it, I will only let it sit for 16-17 minutes so it's not so done.
Like the packaging says, there is no mushiness to this pasta.  I've eaten other gluten-free or whole wheat pastas before; they were pasty and tasted awful.  This tastes like regular old pasta, and the texture is almost identical.  It's really good if you're looking for gluten-free pasta that doesn't look, taste, or smell like gluten-free pasta.

By the way, the kids and grandkids like this pasta, too.  For me, that's the final test.  I made baked, old-fashioned macaroni and cheese to go with the burgers.  It's yummy!

I would highly recommend this product to anyone searching for a palatable substitute for pasta made with refined flour, people who need or wish to use gluten-free products, or people with a wheat allergy.  It cooks easily and functions well in recipes calling for pasta.  It's nice to have something that doesn't taste like it came from another planet when you have dietary restrictions that prevent you from using white-flour pasta.

God bless and keep you all!