Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I finally did it!

My Etsy store is open.

SimpleAdditions is the name I chose.

I currently have headcoverings listed but will be adding articles as I get them assembled and tested.

I'm praying that I can sell a few things so we will have a bit of extra money. With gas going the way it is, if I can't raise a bit of money I may need to sell my car. Paying for the insurance on both vehicles and putting gas in them can cost a pretty penny. If we only have one vehicle, I do far less running around and plan my shopping time much more efficiently.

Anyway, it feels good to have it done and going. It's in God's hands. I pray He brings the right people there.

The chicken coop is almost ready for the babies. Tomorrow I need to keep the truck and get more litter so I can change out the stuff in the coop now, clean and refill the nesting boxes, and get the area ready for the babies. I'm so excited!

We had stew last night with some of the fresh beef we got from hubby's work buddy. There is no comparison to store-bought beef. This meat is almost sweet, very tender, and practically falls apart. Hubby told me today Scotty told him this cow got 25 bushels of corn in addition to his regular feed, just like all the calves from last year did. We've already decided to get more meat from him next year. It is well worth what we paid for it.

I need a nap. I hope you all are okay with the storming going on around us.

Bless you!

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